In response to a blog entitled “A Weak Foundation” on Smart Assets – The Philanthropy New York Blog.

I recently read a blog written by Ilene Mack posted on March 9, 2011. She writes about how some people are losing the meaning of being a nonprofit and following through on their vision to help the less fortunate. After reading her blog titled “A Weak Foundation” – I crawled up on my soap box and scribbled out a rant across digital media sharing my thoughts, opinions and insights…. Only to not have it NOT published/posted. So, I placed a copy of my response to her article below. Please share your experience, insights and/or opinions on the topic.

Thank you Ilene for sharing your story. I am one of many social entrepreneurs that have a vision to bettering the world and the future of humanity through technology and social innovation. To most people, my vision will most likely be viewed as idealistic and some people may go as far as saying it is a fairy-tale. However, as quoted by Apple; “People Who Are Crazy Enough To Think They Can Change The World, Are The Ones Who Do.”

Social entrepreneurs face an interesting dilemma as do many of the nonprofits; how do you get attention and make your organization standout from the others? What makes you different? How can you self fund while “doing good”.

In your blog and in the follow up commentary there is an theme that if followed, seemingly creates a solution to the problem:

– Transparency
– Accountability
– Honesty
– Quality Control
– No Favoritism
– Common Decency

You have been in the industry since 1974, what are your opinions on creating a giving brand that sets a new global standard and makes them transparent to all? Building an ethical foundation that is created with trust, transparency and using the power of the masses through modern technology and mass media. Using mass media and modern technology to better humanity? It’s been used in every other industry, why not here?! We need to empower people to become socially involved with causes they care about and with the ability to make a difference. I have personally met with many Social Entrepreneurs that want to find the solution… that want to make a living doing something that’s “Good” and have true intentions of helping others!

I may be living in a fairy-tale and I may be idealistic and “Life isn’t fair” — However, I hope that never stops people from trying, speaking and wanting to make a difference and make an impact on the future of humanity. I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions.


We look forward to hearing from any and/or all of you!